McRorie Parenting


The Attached at the Heart Parenting Program

Next online class series starting late January

Get on the waiting list

The Attached at the Heart Parenting Program is a series of interactive online classes designed by Attachment Parenting International (API) for parents-to-be, parents and caregivers of children through the preschool years. It helps parents understand parent-child attachment and how to use API’s Eight Principles of Parenting, as guidelines to help them meet their children’s developmental needs while balancing the needs of everyone in their family.

I am a Certified Attached at the Heart Parenting Educator, personally trained in 2013 by its creators, Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker. I am also a trainer and the Training Coordinator for API, working to train more parenting educators to bring this excellent curriculum to parents worldwide.

Ready to take your parenting to the next level?

Register for the complete 10 class series $350

or register for individual classes below $40/class

Schedule: TBD

 Week 1Charting a New Parenting Course

In our first week, we will explore the basic emotional needs of infants and young children, why meeting them is as important as meeting their physical needs and how we can learn to meet them, even if our parents didn’t meet them for us.

Week 2Prepare for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

This second class is great for parents-to-be or parents who intend to have at least one more child. We will explore the things you need to think about during pregnancy and in preparation for birth and the immediate postpartum period.

Week 3Feed with Love and Respect

In week three, we will discuss how being fed can be a powerful experience of receiving love and nurturance. We will explore the feeding attitudes and tools that can help you use feeding time and meal time to build secure attachment and healthy eating habits.

Week 4Respond with Sensitivity

Week four explores the cornerstone of Attachment Parenting: empathizing with our children and responding sensitively to their emotional and physical needs, even if our parents didn’t do the same for us.

Week 5Use Nurturing Touch

In week five, we’ll discuss the healing and nourishing power of physical closeness and skin-to-skin contact. And we’ll explore ways to fit more nurturing touch into your young children’s lives while still doing all the other things you need to do in your life.

Week 6Ensure Safe Sleep – Physically and Emotionally

In our sixth week, we’ll learn about normal infant sleep physiology, why our children need to have their needs met through the night and how we can safely do that and still get enough sleep for ourselves.

Week 7Provide Consistent and Loving Care

Our seventh class will explore ways to meet our children’s needs for loving, consistent caregiving, regardless of how much time we can take off of work.

Week 8Practice Positive Discipline

In this week eight’s class, developed with Positive Discipline author, Jane Nelson, we will discuss the most effective discipline styles and learn tools to equip our children with positive values, emotional intelligence and self-discipline. This class will be helpful to parents of toddlers through teens.

Week 9 Strive for Balance in Your Personal and Family Life

The other pillar of Attachment Parenting is balance. This ninth week, we’ll explore ways to simplify your family life and balance the needs of every member of your family – including you!

Week 10Nurturing Children for a Peaceful World

This is our last class! We’ll zoom back out to the big parenting picture, as well as discussing a few other ideas about what we can do to provide health and wellbeing for our kids.

Partners and other caregivers are welcome to attend classes with you. Feel free to attend to your children’s needs. The classes will not be recorded. This is to protect the program as well as your confidentiality. If you register for a class and have to miss it, you can apply your credit to another class or to a coaching session with Tina.

Not the right time? Get on the waiting list for the next session!